Articles by newsletter

Call to Action!

Greetings, colleagues. I’ll be direct. This is a call to action. We find ourselves during this academic year in a pivotal moment for shared governance at the University of Oregon. To the degree we rise to meet it, we have an opportunity to shape our units, our jobs, and our institution for the better. The Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) ratified in July left several key issues to an appendix of implementation agreements to be worked out over the following months and beyond, including caregiving supports; proposed changes to the Tenure Reduction Program (TRP); the role of service in our work;…

Caregiving update, GMM, and other upcoming events.

Dear UA Members, We worked hard in bargaining to get administration to acknowledge and offer institutional support for faculty caregivers. We were successful in pushing them to recognize their necessary role in making needed infrastructure a reality. As way of reminder, Article 34 “Caregiving”: Established a $500,000 Childcare Community Partnership Investment Fund to address local shortage of care providers Created annual $100,000 Travel Support Fund to offset work-related caregiving costs Purchased an institutional membership to, so bargaining unit faculty members can have membership access to to support individual caregiving needs. We know that many of you have questions…

Welcome back from UA! Upcoming events, both social and business.

Greetings, colleagues. I want to extend my best wishes to you as we begin another academic year. And to our newly arrived colleagues: Welcome to campus! We’re glad to have you with us. Before the start of each new academic year I wonder if the novelty will wear off and I’ll feel like I’m just going through the motions. But standing in front of hundreds of first-year students  on their first day of college classes remains absolutely electrifying. One of those students asked on their end-of-class reflection: “Do you actually like teaching?” YES! Despite the occasional shortcomings and challenges of…

Public Service Loan Forgiveness Resources and Upcoming Events

The waiver on Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) requirements expires Oct. 31, 2022. United Academics’ affiliate union, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), holds a weekly online debt clinic and provides free access to Summer, an online platform that has helped thousands of AFT members apply for PSLF and other loan relief. Summer is an online student loan management platform that includes tools to help navigate the various forgiveness programs and has a team of employees that members can consult. You can find more info and enroll here. You’ll need your AFT member ID number. You can request your AFT member number on the AFT…

The Collective Bargaining Agreement has been ratified!

Members of United Academics have spoken, and the new Collective Bargaining Agreement has been ratified! Of the faculty who voted, 97.92% voted in favor of ratification. Among the many improvements for all faculty at the UO, the new contract: Establishes a clearer process for getting faculty-driven policies to the Office of the Provost (OtP) for final review. Clarifies pathways for appeals for grievances, arbitrations, and review appeals. Provides 10% wage increases over the life of the contract, raises salary floors, and outlines upcoming studies on inflation and salary equity issues. Establishes one of the very few Caregiving Articles within faculty…

Contract highlights and summary. Voting begins Friday, July 8.

Dear Colleagues, We offer a summary below of what we’ve accomplished in this bargaining cycle. We hope you take the time to look carefully at both this summary and your CBA before you vote on ratification. A “yes” vote means this CBA goes into effect until June 30, 2024. A “no” vote means we go back to bargaining until we reach a new tentative agreement or until one party initiates the mediation process, which could end with the imposition of the employer’s final offer or a strike. Voting will open on July 08 and run through July 18. All members…

A few memories and reflections from UA’s outgoing president.

Dear colleagues and comrades, I’m out. What a wild ride. Some memories and reflections for when you got a moment… Tres, Joe, and I sat there for lunch; they gave me the rundown of the state political labor scene. Our server was a little surprised that I, too, worked at the University with Tres and Joe. Joe quickly acknowledged we three were all faculty members, never once acknowledging they were profs and I was an instructor. It wasn’t the first time someone in the larger community looked at me and was confused that I, too, could be a faculty member…

Balancing Work and Caregiving: A Best Practices Teach-In Summary

Throughout 2021-2022, United Academics and members from the CSWS Caregiver Campaign continued their collaborative efforts to push the University of Oregon administration to address issues of equity and inclusion for UO faculty struggling to balance the demands of caregiving while fulfilling their employment expectations. On April 27, we hosted a joint zoom teach-in with 43 attendees. The contents of this report lay out the scope of the issues but also provide hands-on practical strategies to address challenges that have existed long before the Covid-19 pandemic. There is a video recording of the Teach-In available on the CSWS website, as well…

Bargaining Update for June 17, 2022

We are thrilled to announce that we have arrived at a tentative agreement with the administration on our CBA, completing this round of negotiations!  Here are some highlights: We negotiated a raise package and got it implemented January 1, 2022, bringing that benefit to faculty six months early. We retained current levels of raises for promotion and PTR reviews for tenure-track faculty and got commensurate raises for Career faculty. We secured research travel support for faculty who are caregivers, and got a commitment from the administration to provide seed funding for more daycare options in the Eugene/Springfield area. We tentatively…

Bargaining update for June 15, 2022

A hearty thank you to all who tuned in for what ended up being a 12 hour bargaining session on Wednesday! While we did not quite complete negotiations, we are very close to an agreement and optimistic that we will finish tomorrow (Friday). Your team returns to the bargaining table at 9am – please Zoom In for the home stretch! We came out of this session with three new tentative agreements – on Articles 11 (Release Time), 16 (Notices of Appointment), and 20 (Tenure Review and Promotion). Those agreements will be available when signed by both parties. We made significant progress on…