Hello UA Members,
Many of you are experiencing on-going work-life challenges due to shortages and affordability of childcare and early education afterschool care. Please see this message below from the Co-Directors of Lane County’s Early Learning and Parenting Education Hubs. They are conducting a survey to assess the needs and shortcomings for caregivers of young and school-aged children.
Dear Parents & Caregivers,
The Lane Early Learning Alliance is interested in hearing from you about your wants and needs are when it comes to child care and preschool for your child(ren). We will use this information to expand access to child care and preschool across Lane County. Please CLICK HERE take this brief survey – it shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes – to help us understand how we can better serve you and other parents and caregivers in our community. All answers are anonymous and confidential. If you’d rather share your thoughts over the phone, please contact[email protected] to schedule a phone interview.
We’re raffling off five (5) $100 gift cards as a thank you for taking the survey. To enter the raffle, please follow the link at the end of the survey to enter your contact information.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at: [email protected] or call 541.741.6000.
Thanks again!
The Lane Early Learning Alliance
Pride Caucus Happy Hour
The Pride Caucus aims to foster connection and solidarity among faculty from across campus who care about workplace and social issues related to gender identity and sexual orientation. A UA Pride Caucus Happy Hour is scheduled for this Friday, November 18 from 6-8pm at Spectrum on Broadway.
Member Surveys
For those bargaining unit members who have not yet had the opportunity, we are including links to the United Academics member surveys. You can find detailed information on most of the surveys in this UA newsletter post or the late October member email Call to Action, or for TRP specific information see this UA post.
TRP Survey
We want to know what you think, how you’re feeling, and what you’re worried about (or excited about!) as we collectively take our next steps concerning Article 31 and TRP, which is still pending. We are exploring possibilities in advance of a ratification vote in January and value your feedback.
While there are more questions for tenure-track and tenured faculty regarding TRP, all UAUO members are invited to take the survey.
Informational Sessions
Continuing in Week 8, we will hold informational sessions on the proposed changes to TRP in order to present some relevant numbers for consideration and field questions or concerns in real time. The remaining session: 4:00 – 5:00pm on Friday, Nov 18, on Zoom.
Save the Dates!
United Academics is hosting our first Happy Hour in the new office on Monday, December 5 from 4-6:00pm. Additional details to come. We look forward to seeing you there!
On Tuesday, November 22, our labor siblings at UAOSU are hosting a panel on union solidarity across campus and the state. Multiple unions from UO and OSU will share experiences with bargaining solidarity at the bargaining table and through political organizing. Our own Mike Urbancic will be there to share a bit about UAUO.