Title IX changes, bargaining tomorrow, and political survey


Join us tomorrow, Tuesday, July 2, for our first bargaining session of the summer. We’ll meet in Chiles 125 from 1:30-4:30pm. If you can’t make it in person, Zoom in here. Please note the change in timing from our usual schedule.

Will the administration team bring a counterproposal on Article 26: Salary? Only one way to find out! Your team will bring counters that touch on Career faculty job security, pro tem employment, unit policies, and leaves.

Let’s keep up the momentum we built during the academic year! And make sure your calendar is marked for these upcoming sessions:

  • Monday, July 15 - 12:30-3:30pm in Lillis 440
  • Tuesday, August 13 - 1:30-4:30pm in Chiles 125
  • Monday, August 26 - 12:30-3:30pm in Chiles 125

Upcoming Title IX Changes

On Friday, June 14, 2024, Title IX Coordinator Nicole Commissiong sent an email providing some information about the upcoming changes to Title IX. We wanted to make sure that you and your colleagues saw this email, as there are significant changes to reporting that will impact most faculty on campus. The subject line of that email is “Title IX regulations will change reporting requirements.” In addition to this email, you can find more information on the Office of Investigations and Civil Rights Compliance (OICRC) website

AFT-Oregon Political Survey

We are excited to send you the 2024 AFT-Oregon Legislative Survey. This survey gives our state federation the insight and strategy to fight and win on the issues most important to us.

 Take the 2024 AFT-Oregon Legislative Survey Here 

AFT-Oregon has fought for and helped pass legislation that is historic and sets national standards, such as Public Service Loan Forgiveness Expansion, Part-Time Faculty Healthcare Program, Divesting Coal from Public Pensions, Classified School Employees Week, Graduate Employee SNAP Eligibility, and more. AFT-Oregon’s legislative work is shaped - and won - by fellow union members. This is an opportunity for our voices to be heard and help ensure our issues are fought for in the Oregon Legislature.

Please spend a few minutes taking the survey.