Membership Meeting this Thursday. Bring your colleagues and your questions!

General Membership Meeting

In anticipation of the administration making minimal moves on economic proposals, we are now taking strike pledges. We will be talking about these as well as where we stand in mediation, our pressure campaign to attempt to avoid a strike, and our next steps at the General Membership Meeting Thursday, 5-7pm in Allen 221. Business begins at 5:30pm.

You may also join us by Zoom.

Bring your colleagues, ask questions, and share your thoughts and concerns.
We’ll provide pizza and soft drinks. We’d love to see all members there.

We Want to Hear From Researchers!

Researcher Social Hour
We’re hosting researchers (broadly construed) at the UA Union Hall on Monday (Today!), February 3, 4-6pm. We recognize that after the last week there is a lot of concern and uncertainty in the research community. Come have a beverage and share your thoughts about how we can work together to fight for the priorities of UO researchers. We will provide snacks, beer, wine, and soft drinks.

Natural Sciences Drop-in Hours
We will be in LISB 217 on Monday, February 10, 2:30-4pm. We’d love to chat with any members that have questions about mediation, the potential strike, and the status of our new Research Article at the mediation table. Bring your colleagues.

Help us Prepare for a Potential Strike

UA is seeking union members who want to develop their organizing skills as our local prepares for a potential strike!

Participants will be trained to have effective organizing conversations, with a focus on collecting strike pledges, growing union membership, and increasing faculty engagement. Member organizers must be able to commit 5-8 hours each week. This opportunity is for the duration of our contract campaign.

These are paid positions via our national affiliates, the AAUP and AFT. More information and application here.
Reach out to [email protected] with questions or to submit your application.


Winter Term caucus meetings are all held in person at the Union Hall

  • Faculty of Color Caucus. Wednesday, February 12, 2025 from 11:30am to 1:30pm
  • New! International Caucus. Wednesday, February 19, 2025 from 11:30am to 1:30pm
  • Pride Caucus. Wednesday, February 26, 2025 from 11:30am to 1:30pm