Member recommendations and UA’s next steps

Hello UA Members,

Thanks to the many of you who attended last night’s general membership meeting. We had an informative and vibrant discussion about the current state of our working and life conditions under current Covid-19 policies. We take the many different points to heart, and recognize the multiple layers of issues many of us face. We have also heeded the many comments that have been emailed to the UA office and EC members. While UA Executive Council members have actively met with and maintained communications with upper administrators since before the Fall quarter, we see that it is time to take our many on-going asks to another level.

To update you on our next steps, we are compiling the many and various recommendations into a list of action items and are presenting them to our upper administration. General action items include: faculty flexibility and decision making over workplace modality, expedited accommodations for faculty with underlying health conditions, specific flexibility for faculty dealing with the demands of covid-related caregiving issues, and a joint UA and management group responsible for Covid-related decision-making affecting our bargaining unit members. We anticipate a response by early next week, and will update you on the action-item list and their response next week.

As always, you are the strength of  the UA community and we greatly appreciate your participation and input.


Your UA Executive Council