We have several important opportunities to meet legislators. UA is working on several legislative efforts, including: work with the UO on the higher ed budget, work with AFT-Oregon to support a healthcare benefits bill for adjunct instructors, work in coalition to find a revenue solution (not more cuts) to the $1.8 billion projected deficit in Oregon for the next biennium.
- On February 14, join us for a Higher Education Lobby day. All higher ed constituencies will work together to advance priority funding and avoid deep cuts and rising tuition at our public colleges and universities.
- On February 20 in Salem, if you have a powerful story about what ongoing cuts to public education, please join us. We need a revenue solution in Oregon, not more cuts.
- Your personal stories about how cuts impact us matter
- These stories are important to share with legislators
- Oregon is lowest in the country in corporate tax burden
- Presently we have a $1.8 Billion budget hole to fill just to stay even in the next biennium.
- Legislators will choose to either cut funding for students; seniors and vulnerable families or …. make corporations pay their share.
- At Lane Community College, Feb 25, 1-3pm, you can tell the Ways and Means chairs about the impact of further cuts at UO. Their Co-Chairs Roadshow is specifically planned to hear from you during public testimony.