General Membership Meeting this Wednesday – Your Input Needed!

Good afternoon, colleagues!

Amid ongoing contract negotiations which are becoming ever more difficult, we are holding a meeting for all union members this Wednesday, October 30, from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the Crater Lake Rooms in the EMU. Dinner and drinks will be provided.

It is no exaggeration to say that this may be our most important “General Membership Meeting” yet.

Starting at 5:30, members of the bargaining team will give an update on the progress (or lack thereof) since February. We’ll have a conversation about how negotiations may play out over the next couple of months. Then, we’ll ask everyone to anonymously report their own personal threshold: what are the lowest raises you would need to see in this contract to ratify it? This critical data will be kept secret in a locked box and will only be used by the bargaining team over the coming months.

Please attend this Wednesday. The more faculty voices present, the better idea we will all have about where we stand and the road ahead of us. Bring your questions! Bring your colleagues! Share your concerns! Family members are welcome to join, and there will be activities for children!

Please email [email protected] if you would like to request accommodations for the General Membership Meeting.

In solidarity,

Mike Urbancic
Senior Instructor, Economics
President, United Academics of the University of Oregon
AAUP/AFT Local 3209, AFL-CIO