Treasurer’s Report

We want to have a transparent union. The budget, financial statements, and audit reports are all posted on the UAUO website at http://uauoregon.org/documents/budget/. Each year we hire an accounting firm to do an audit of our financial statements and accounting procedures. The most recent report notes: Management is responsible for the selection and use of appropriate accounting policies. The significant accounting policies used by United Academics of the University of Oregon are described in Note 1 to the financial statements. No new accounting policies were adopted and the application of existing policies was not changed during fiscal year 2015-2016. We…

UA’s LGBTQ* Caucus

The LGBTQ* Caucus is up and running! Some 25 faculty attended an initial meeting last spring at McMenamin’s 19th Street Café. Discussion was wide-ranging and enthusiastic. A common refrain was that there is definitely a need for such a group right now, not only in order to bring greater attention at UO to LGBTQ* concerns but also to mobilize and support faculty in the LGBTQ* community on campus. The caucus will focus on workplace issues of particular relevance to LGBTQ* faculty and will also offer social opportunities for getting together as a group, ways to combat the isolation that some…