Are we headed towards a strike? Actions to take now!

Strike Next Year?

While we are making good progress on non-economic articles at the bargaining table, the administration has made only minor movements towards our salary needs. Soon we will send another message about the very real possibility of a strike next academic year. Many steps must be taken before such an action can happen, but the raises on offer from the administration are nowhere near enough to fight inflation and keep us up with our peers. Keep an eye on your inbox for more messaging around potential strike preparations, and what United Academics members will need to do to win this fight.

What you can do now:

Spring Picnic

Come to the UA Spring Picnic and discuss strategy for winning a fair contract with fair wages. We will also do some sign making to remind the administration’s bargaining team what is at stake. We will have snacks and beverages (alcoholic and non) as well as picnic games and activities for the littles. Bring your family and colleagues, and come to get your questions answered and concerns aired about where we are in bargaining.

When: Thursday, May 30, from 4 to 7 pm
Where: Alton Baker Park Shelter #2
What to bring: You, family members, colleagues, and friendly dogs!

We'll provide snacks, beverages (alcoholic and non-), and a few lawn games. So, mark your calendars for the United Academics Spring Picnic! We look forward to seeing you.

Last Bargaining Session of the Academic Year

The last bargaining session of Spring quarter will be Thursday, June 13, 12:30-3:30pm in Chiles 125. While we will continue bargaining all summer, this session is our last opportunity of the term to impress upon the administration the economic burden that years of inflation and the institution's poor financial management have had on the university and our faculty. A big turnout will send a message that fair raises are not optional, nor at the whim of a financial bucket system that is incapable of observing and adjusting for inflation and market conditions.


Community Investment Fund

In our prior round of bargaining, we achieved a Community Investment Fund to support one-time funding for the expansion of childcare capacity in community-based centers that would provide spaces to University of Oregon faculty and staff. The Request for Proposals is live; you can find additional information here. The deadline for proposals is June 5, 2024.